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CTE Month: Drones!

Posted Date: 02/10/2022

CTE Month: Drones!

As we continue our CTE study of classes, we focus on the Drone class at LMS. Drones were first introduced in the military but we have found many uses for them since, including saving lives with them. So.....LMS is excited to announce that their Drone students in Mrs. Rejino and Mr. Adkins' class placed 2nd overall, 2nd in driver-controlled-field, and 4th in autonomous "programmed" field in the area's first drone competition, "AirBattles!" hosted at Frenship ISD. In this new competition, twelve middle schools participated from around Lubbock and Amarillo. Schools wishing to compete were required to attend a mandatory drone workshop last summer to be able to participate. It was hosted by the TTU Outreach & Engagement Program and James Halloway, a physics and engineering teacher from Frenship ISD. The competition will be bigger next year and of course, LMS students will be ready as more students than ever are interested in learning about Drones! Congratulations to the LMS students who are learning such a valuable skill! You're in the right place!