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NHD Students Create Dust Bowl Museum

Posted Date: 05/16/2021

NHD Students Create Dust Bowl Museum

LMS National History Day students have been working on a Dust Bowl Research Project to complete the year. Today, the NHD students presented their projects to ABC Kindergarteners from Mrs. Hannah Pugh's class. These youngsters were very interested in what the Middle Schoolers taught them. Furthermore, the Wallace Theater is teaming up with Cathy McMahan's NHD students and the Hockley County Historical Commission to host a pop-up museum next week. Mrs. McMahan wants her students to understand the process that museum curators go through to create an informative exhibit that will engage audiences. The NHD students chose the Dust Bowl because it is relevant to Hockley County. They have learned the environmental science behind the bowl, the economic issues, and the psychological impacts. Wallace Theater Executive Director Alycyn Keeling is thrilled to have this unique opportunity for people to visit free of charge. The Dust Bowl Museum begins on Saturday, May 21st, from 1 to 4 pm, on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 11 to 6 pm, and on Saturday, May 29th from 10 to 2. The pop-up museum will conclude on June 3rd with a dinner at the Wallace Theater with guest speaker SPC history professor Angela Roberts. Tickets are $11 and can be purchased at (Story courtesy Levelland NewsPress)